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Quickbooks desktop payroll account info bannerUpdate Payroll Admin information in QuickBooks
The Payroll Administrator is the company's main contact person for day-to-day payroll issues and activities. The Payroll Administrator should be someone who is authorized to process payroll for the company, who has access to all the company's payroll information, and who can answer questions on behalf of the company principal regarding payroll details. Change payroll administrator, payroll contact, or ifno principal for Assisted Payroll.
Need to make qukckbooks or updates to your accounts or subscriptions? Visit the Account Management Page. QuickBooksHelp Intuit. Overview The Payroll Administrator is quuckbooks company's main contact person for day-to-day payroll issues and activities. This article describes how to change Payroll Admin information. Assumptions You have an active, up-to-date version of QuickBooks and access to the Internet. You are an authorized contact of the account.
Sign in using your Intuit Account login. Quickbooks desktop payroll account info banner will open the Payroll Account Management portal.
Select Адрес next to the Payroll Admin heading. If you have signed up for direct deposit, enter your PIN and select Continue. See also Change PIN for processing direct deposit payroll. Select Update. Wait for the confirmation then select C lose. Review посмотреть еще updated Contacts information and axcount the Payroll Account Ссылка на подробности portal. Under Company Information section, click Payroll Admin tab.
Select the Edit link. Enter your PIN and select Continue. Follow the onscreen instructions dssktop update /14458.txt Payroll Admin information. A processing request screen appears until the update is finished, which can quickbooks desktop payroll account info banner several minutes.
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Related Articles Change payroll administrator, payroll contact, or primary principal for Assisted Payroll. Was this helpful? Yes No. You must sign in to vote, reply, or post. Sign in for the best experience Ask questions, get answers, and join our large quickbooks desktop payroll account info banner of QuickBooks продолжить чтение.
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